How we help

Referral Forms

If you or someone you know is in need of help from Hospice Mississauga, please complete the appropriate form on this page. Please provide as much information as you are able. 

Or you can download and print the form and submit it to us by fax at 289-724-0620 or by email:

    Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

    Referral Information

    Is this an Urgent Referral? (If identified as urgent, referral will be followed up within 2 business days)

    Contact Information


    Reason for referral

    If you are looking for bereavement support for yourself, please continue and complete the questions below; are you interested in —


    When you’re ready, please submit this for by clicking the button below

    Do not close this window/tab or refresh until you see the message that your request has been submitted.
    Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

    Client Information

    Marital status

    1: Next of Kin Information

    2: Next of Kin Information

    Person to contact to discuss hospice
    Life-limiting conditions
    Infectious disease:
    Anticipated prognosis
    Patient aware of diagnosis
    Patient aware of prognosis
    Family aware of diagnosis
    Family aware of prognosis
    Have end-of-life issues been discussed with the patient

    Reason for referral


    Referral Source

    A copy form will be sent to this address.

    When you’re ready, please submit this for by clicking the button below

    Do not close this window/tab or refresh until you see the message that your request has been submitted.
    Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

    Referral Source

    Is this an Urgent Referral? (If identified as urgent, referral will be followed up within 2 business days)
    Referrer Profession

    Children's Information

    Lives with patient
    Informed of Diagnosis
    Refer for services
    Informed of Prognosis
    Has their school been notified?
    Lives with patient
    Informed of Diagnosis
    Refer for services
    Informed of Prognosis
    Has their school been notified?
    Lives with patient
    Informed of Diagnosis
    Refer for services
    Informed of Prognosis
    Has their school been notified?
    Lives with patient
    Informed of Diagnosis
    Refer for services
    Informed of Prognosis
    Has their school been notified?

    Family Information

    Dying or Deceased

    Guardian/Custodian Information


    Other Adults

    Lives with child/ren
    Informed of prognosis
    Informed of diagnosis
    Lives with child/ren
    Informed of prognosis
    Informed of diagnosis
    Lives with child/ren
    Informed of prognosis
    Informed of diagnosis

    More Details

    When you’re ready, please submit this for by clicking the button below

    Do not close this window/tab or refresh until you see the message that your request has been submitted.